Largemouth Bass Recipes for on the go and for doin' it slow.
Largemouth bass is one of the most sought after game fish in North America. Most anglers practice
“Catch & Release”
for these fighting swimmers. For those that eat what they catch, bass is a wonderful fish to prepare. It is easy and extremely versatile. The flavor is mild and firm with a taste much like crappie or bluegill.
So for you guys that want to have a shore lunch or dinner, here’s a quick recipe to get you going.
Combine all dry ingredients in the freezer bag and just shake the tar out of it.
Soak the bass fillets in a bowl of milk for 1 or 2 minutes.
One at a time, put the fillets in the freezer bag and shake thoroughly.
Take two of the fillets and place them in a frying pan coated with vegetable oil.
Fry to a lovely golden brown.
Remove to plates, grab a fork and eat your heart out!
Serve with pan roasted potatoes or even beans for a nice round meal. Always have a bottle of your favorite beverage (beer, in case you missed that innuendo) to drink to the fish’s sacrifice for you.
If you are bringing the lunker home to the other half for cooking, here’s one that takes a bit more patience and time to fix. Trust me, it is worth the wait.

6 bass fillets. Suggest no more than ¾ inch thick1/4 teaspoon black pepper
¼ cup finely chopped onion
1/4 c butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 can plus 2 cups of your favorite beer
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 cloves, whole
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Sprinkle fish fillets with 1 teaspoon salt, the pepper, and some paprika.
In a skillet, cook onion in butter ‘till tender.
Stir in flour; cook and stir to a golden brown.
Stir in the 2 cups of beer.
Continue stirring until the mixture just begins to bubble.
Add sugar and clove.
Place the fish fillets in the pan.
Cover the skillet and cook SLOWLY for about 12 to 15 minutes on low heat until the fish gets flaky.
While the bass is cooking, drink the can of beer and relax a bit.
Remove the bass and arrange on a large plate.
Into the sauce that remains in the skillet, add the lemon juice.
Stir until mixed well and pour over the bass.
Serve with white rice, if you want. Each bass fillet is a serving.
Call 5 friends over and show them what you have accomplished!
These are just a couple of suggestions on cooking largemouth bass. Bass can be broiled, steamed, smoked or breaded, and deep fried as well. Try it a few different ways to see which you like best.
As always, Bon Appétit!
If you would like to add to our Largemouth Bass Recipes, please use the form at the end of the "Fish Recipes" page.
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