South Holston & Watauga Rivers
Tennessee trout fishing on these rivers is unique by any standards.
If you have been thinking of taking a vacation soon, and you like
fly fishing,
let me introduce you to Tennessee trout fishing on the Watauga and South Holston Rivers. Thanks to the work of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and Trout Unlimited (TU) these rivers are considered to be among the best tailwater fisheries in the eastern United States.

The Watauga river, located just below Elizabethton, Tennessee, and only an hour from Asheville, is the home of many trophy trout. Although there is an abundance of streams in the upper sections at Wilber Dam for wading, most of the trophy trout have to be reached by boat. The sections that have all the trophy trout are strictly enforced by the Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency, which require the proper fishing license and trout stamp. The river offers approximately 5,000 to 6,000 trout per mile. The Watauga is so full of trout, you can see why there are many vacationers wanting to catch the fish of a lifetime.

The local hatches on this section of the river have a great number of Caddis, Midges, Sulphurs, and Blue Winged Olives that keep the trout very active almost any time of the year. The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission has regular stocking schedules for the release of certain amounts of trout into each stream according to the stream's holding capacity. This is because trout are a territorial fish and they need a certain amount of space to spawn properly. Stocking the streams occurs generally the first week of each month.
Near Bluff City, Tennessee the South Holston river begins, and this Tennessee trout fishing site is a nationally known fish hatchery for rainbow, and brown trout. These areas around the rivers have many creeks and streams which also breed wild trout. The river itself begins from a deep mountain lake where the water is cold all year round.
Fly fishing is more than exciting from the time you start
to the end of the day.
The upper section of the Wilber Dam has its best Tennessee trout fishing during the early spring and in the late fall. There have been fish caught in the upper section of the Dam that have weighed as much as 4 pounds.

With multiple hatches of several different types of insects, the middle section is always a good place to fish. By using a dropper rig you can place your
below the strike indicator and reel in some great trout.
The trophy section can be fished all year round using nymph and streamer rigs because the water is deeper.
Catch and Release
laws are in effect for trout between 16 - 22 inches long.
Some of the local guide services supply lunch, snacks, and drinks, and even have full equipment rental or freebies. Some guide services even offer the approved fishing license and stamp.
For dry fly fishing use long leaders (12' would be wise) and tippets from 5x to 7x. You’ll need to be in stealth mode whether wading on or floating down the South Holston.

The local guide websites can offer such things as; fishing tips for rivers and streams, classes for beginners, reports about the local streams, and information on lodging and dining. Some guided fly fishing trips always practice Catch and Release to ensure that vast amounts of rainbow and brown trout will always be abundant.
With the abundance of trout streams in the surrounding areas of the Blue Ridge Mountains, you can choose from easy fly fishing, or fishing from a native wild trout stream. The backwoods streams may require some hiking to reach.
Whether you decide to wade or float for the trout of your life, your Tennessee trout fishing vacation on East Tennessee’s Watauga and South Holston Rivers will be worth the trip. Be sure to take along your best camera, because people aren’t going to believe the size of the trout you caught.
Here is the HATCH CHART for Eastern Tennessee trout fishing
| JANUARY | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Dipterae Midge | Afternoon | 18 - 24 Gray Midge, 18 - 24 Olive Midge | Blue Winged Olive | Afternoon | 18 - 24 Blue Winged Olive, 18 - 24 Adams | Early Black Stone Fly | All Day | 18 Black Stone Fly Nymph 18 Black Adult Stone Fly | FEBRUARY-MARCH | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Blue Winged Olive Baetis | February - March Early Afternoons - Warm Days | 18 Blue Winged Olive, 18 Adams | Early Black Stone | February - March All Day | 18 Black Stone Fly Nymph 18 Black Adult Stone Fly | Blue Quill Paraleptophlebia Adoptiva | Late March Morning to Early Afternoon | 18 Blue Quill Wet & Dry 18 Adams | Quill Gordon Epeorus Pleuralis | Late March Early Afternoon | 12 - 14 Quill Gordon, Wet & Dry | APRIL | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Blue Quills Paraleptophlebia Adoptiva | Early April Mornings to Early Afternoons | 18 Blue Quill Wet & Dry 18 Adams | Quill Gordon Epeorus Pleuralis | Early April Early Afternoons | 12 - 14 Quill Gordon, Wet & Dry | Dark Dun/Black Caddis | Mid-April Mid-Mornings | 14 - 16 Black Soft Hackle 14 - 16 Dark Elk Hair Caddis | MAY | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Mottled Brown/Gray Caddis | All Day | 16 Brown or Gray Soft Hackle, 16 Brown Elk Hair Caddis | Hendrickson Ephemerella Subvaria | All Day; Female Spinner has Yellow Egg Sac | 14 Hendrickson, 14 Red Quill, 14 Female Adams | March Brown Stenonema Vicarium | Mid-May All Day Sporadically | 12 March Brown, Wet & Dry | Light Cahill Stenonema Ithaca | Afternoon - Evening | 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Yellow Midge Diptera | Early May | 20 Yellow Midge | Gray Fox Stenonema Fuscum | Sparse Hatch | 14 Gray Fox, 14 Ginger Quill, 14 Gray Fox Variant | Sulphurs Ephemerella Dorothea | Early May Late Afternoon and Evening | 16 - 18 Sulphurs, 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Black Caddis | Early May All Day | 18 Black Soft Hackle, 18 Black Fluttering Caddis | Cream Midge | Mid-May All Day | 20 - 22 Cream Midge | Blue Winged Olive Baetis | Mid-May Early Afternoon | 20 -22 Blue Winged Olive, 20 - 22 Adams | Green Drake Ephemera Guttulata | Late May Evening | 10 Paradrake, 8 10 White Wulff | Giant Stone Fly Pteronarcys | Early May Early Morning | 4 - 8 Stone Fly Nymph | JUNE | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Mottled Brown Gray Caddis | Early June All Day Sporadically | 16 Brown or Gray Soft Hackle 16 Brown Elk Hair Caddis | Light Cahill Stenonema Ithaca | Sporadically - Late Afternoon and Evening | 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Sulphurs Ephemerella Dorothea | Late Afternoon and Evening | 16 - 18 Sulphurs 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Isonychia Bicolor | Sporadically - All Day | 12 Adams | Green and Yellow Stone Fly | Late Afternoons | 16 Light Green and Yellow Fluttering Stone | Giant Stone Fly Pteronarcys | Early Mornings | 4 - 6 Stone Fly Nymph | Terrestrials | All Summer | Inchworms, Black Ants, Beetles, and Crickets | JULY | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Isonychia Bicolor | Sporadically - All Day | 12 Adams | Green and Yellow Stone Fly | Late Afternoons | 16 Light Green and Yellow Fluttering Stone | Golden Stone Fly Acroneuria | Early Morning and at Dusk | 6 - 8 Stone Fly Nymph | Light Cahill Stenonema Ithaca | Sporadically - Late Afternoon and Evening | 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Terrestrials | All Summer | Inchworms, Black Ants, Beetles, and Crickets | AUGUST | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Isonychia Bicolor | Sporadically - All Day | 12 Adams | Golden Stone Fly Acroneuria | Early Morning and at Dusk | 6 - 8 Stone Fly Nymph | Light Cahill Stenonema Ithaca | Sporadically - Late Afternoon and Evening | 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Flying Ants | All Day | 20 -24 Spent-wing Black and Brown Ants | Terrestrials | All Summer | Inchworms, Black Ants, Beetles, and Crickets | SEPTEMBER | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Light Cahill Stenonema Ithaca | Usually at Dusk | 16 - 18 Light Cahill | Isonychia Bicolor | Sporadically -All Day | 12 Adams | Flying Ants | All Day | 20 - 24 Spent-wing Black and Brown Ants | Terrestrials | All Summer | Inchworms, Black Ants, Beetles, and Crickets | OCTOBER-NOVEMBER | INSECTS | EMERGENCE | PATTERN | Deptera Midge | October - November Afternoon | 18 - 24 Gray Midge | Blue Winged Olive | October - November Afternoon | 18 - 24 Blue Winged Olive, 18 - 24 Adams |
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