Do you have a whopper of a story to tell about the one that got away? How about your most dramatic fish catch ever?
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Tony's big one 
We went fishing at the pond in our community(me and my dad of course) and he was doing his thing when I came about a nest with a huge large mouth bass …
I think it's a state record crappie...... Not rated yet
I caught this crappie in February, 2012 in a pond in Covington, LA using a 15' crappie pole and a 1/8 oz road runner jig. it was 17.75 " long and weighed …
Drop Pole Not rated yet
The 1st bass we hooked in the morning. Santa Claus (Austin), dropped the pole when the bass jumped out of the water. It scared him. He ran backwards …
Pike the lunker that almost ot away Not rated yet
By Blake
It was summer 2011 on my home, the Fox River, and like most days I went out to spend my time the best way-fish! Jumped into my canoe …
Oh no, wait one minute I have a fish!!! Not rated yet
It all started when my dad told me he was going to take me fishing so the next day. I got into the boat and cast out the line. Iit got sucked underneath …
A Glow in the Water Not rated yet
We were up at Donegal Lake fishing all day and did not catch anything. We started fishing for with orange power bait. We let it sit on the bottom for …
Salmon River, Here We Come! Not rated yet
Many years ago (I think it was in 1962), I lived in Old Greenwich, CT and had a close friend, Owen, who lived in nearby Riverside. We went hiking and …
How I caught a fish on another line! Not rated yet
My brother and I were fishing in our town pond on evening in the summer of 2010. I had already caught a 1.5 lbs bass and was trying really hard to catch …
When I Lost the Fish of a Lifetime Not rated yet
I was fishing in the Columbia River in Oregon on a small dinghy. I switched to a pumpkin seed Gitzit salty mega tube. I made another nice cast and said, …
The High Flying Trout Not rated yet
Using a wet fly and bobber combination in Lake Lisa in the Tok area of Alaska, the small (looked like 18 inch) lake trout was hooked!!! The bobber, splashing …
Two for one Not rated yet
Thought I hooked it in the belly,to my surprise I had 2 keepers on a 3.5 floater.
How I caught my biggest fish ever Not rated yet
My buddy and I were fishing a lake in Northwest Ontario. We were fishing a rock ledge approximately 58' feet deep. I was using my 7' walleye rod with …
None of Them Got Away! Not rated yet
I was fishing with a friend and a guide in a location I cannot reveal back in 1994.
I had spent 25 years trying to catch a snook before I finally caught …
How I lost my first tarpon Not rated yet
OK i was 20 years old and it was my first time fly-fishing in saltwater ever. I felt a jolt as a fish (most likely a tarpon - my guide said it had to been)took …
the big shrimp Not rated yet
It was the end of the day and we were running out of bait. I found a shrimp that was at least 4 in. We caught it but it seemed smaller than it looked. …
How I Caught my 85 inch Sailfish Not rated yet
i caught my fish and it took 45 minutes and i was very happy about it. i was very tired after but my adrenaline was pumping. i was in the Gulf of Mexico …
The fish that sent me to the dog house Not rated yet
My self being a good father decided to take my son out fishing for the first time. I took him to my best fishing spot, showed him how to put the worm on …
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